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4 Ways to Prep for the TPT Back-to-School Sale (2024)

tpt sale tpt seller tips Jul 01, 2024

 Summer's here, and while you deserve that well-earned break, the back-to-school season sneaks up faster than you think! But do you know what that means? The TPT back-to-school sale is just around the corner! I know, I know, time flies, but fear not! I'm here to help you make the most out of this exciting opportunity.

In this blog post, I'll be sharing four strategies that will get your TPT store prepped and ready for the big sale. So, grab your favorite pen, jot down some notes, and let's get ready to rock this back-to-school sale together!  



#1 - Post Your Resources ASAP!

Time is of the essence Don't wait another moment - finish up and post those resources that you have been putting off. The TPT back-to-school sale is the largest earning opportunity of the year. So polish those drafts, finalize your covers, and hit "Submit" to ensure that your resources are live. Whether it's engaging lesson plans, interactive activities, or skill-building projects, if your resources are ready, post them!  

Remember, you can't sell what isn't there! 


#2 - Create Irresistible Previews

First impressions matter - that's why previews are your secret weapon to increase earnings during the back-to-school sale! The TPT data has spoken, and it's crystal clear - buyers are more likely to click that "add to cart" button if your product comes with an informative preview.  

Think of your preview as a window into your resource, where potential buyers can get a solid understanding of what they'll be getting with their purchase. Share why your product is a game-changer, how it addresses their needs, and why they simply cannot miss out on having it in their classroom! You can do this by showcasing pieces of your resource "in action" and highlighting key features. But don't forget to share all the details about the product so that the buyer can make an informed decision to purchase or not. 


#3 - Cross-sell with Related Resource

You've hooked the buyer with your fantastic product, but why stop there? Maximize your sales potential by cross-selling related resources in your product descriptions. By linking complementary resources in your product descriptions, you encourage buyers to explore more of your store, leading to potential multiple purchases and a boost in your TPT earnings!  

Remember, teachers are on the lookout for quality content, and your recommendations can make all the difference!  


#4 - Optimize Your Featured Resources

When buyers arrive at your store page, the spotlight is on your featured resources. It's time to showcase the very best of what buyers need in the upcoming weeks or months. You'll want to feature resources that cater to teachers' needs during those first few weeks or months of school - think back-to-school bundles, icebreaker activities, and classroom decor essentials. 

Diversify your featured items to cater to various price points (including free) and bundles to ensure that there's something for everyone who stops by your store. And don't forget to refresh your selections periodically throughout the school year to introduce other relevant resources in your store. Remember, your featured resources are your store's window display - make them eye-catching and irresistible!



Alright, you now have some strategies to help you prepare your store for the TPT back-to-school sale. By posting your resources early, creating enticing previews, cross-selling related resources, and optimizing your featured resources, you're well on your way to a successful TPT back-to-school sale!  

Wishing you lots of sales and a great back-to-school season! 



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