TPT Chats Episode 1: Why We Got Started on Teachers Pay Teachers
Jan 20, 2025
Starting Your TPT Journey: Why We Began & Why You Should Too
When Annette, from count on kupe, and I, Malia, a TPT seller coach, recorded our first episode of TPT Chats: Our Journey, Your Next Step, we kicked things off with the big question: Why did we start a TPT store?
For Annette, it all began in 2017. She was determine to do things right from the start, so she dove into research - reading blogs, learning best practices, and trying to create a strong foundation from day one. Annette explained that she wanted to avoid redoing work down the line and ensure she could focus on creating quality resources.
My journey was a little different. I started my TPT store in April of 2020, right in the middle of the pandemic. "I had all these resources I needed to convert to digital," I shared during the chat. "I thought, why not just put it on TPT and help other teachers?" For me, it was about meeting a need and sharing resources that could make a difference in such a challenging time.
Starting wasn't easy for either of us. We didn't know all the answers, and our first products were far from perfect. But what kept us both going was clarity about our "why". Maybe your "why" is about financial freedom, sharing your creative teaching ideas, or exploring a creative outlet. Whatever it is, it'll guide you as you take those first steps.
Here's our advice:
Start simple. Your first product won't be perfect, and that's okay! Annette's was a basic math activity, and mine was a simple digital resource. Both sold because they met a need.
Lean on community. Find other sellers, ask questions, and celebrate your progress. You don't have to do this alone!
Remember, every TPT seller starts at zero. It's normal to feel unsure at the beginning, but the important thing is to take the first step.
So, what's your "why"? I'd love to hear it! Share your store with me in the comments of the video or send me a DM on Instagram! And don't forget to tune into our next episode of TPT Chats, where Annette and I will dive into choosing the right tools for creating resources.
Your journey is just the beginning -- and I promise it's one worth taking.
You might also like:
My First Year on TPT Blog Post from Annette
How to Start a TPT Store in 5 Steps Blog Post from Malia
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Check out our TPT stores:
count on kupe
Math with Ms. Rivera
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